mobile & desktop web experience
for coupon/deal shoppers
Time line
Jan 2020 -- Dec 2020
My Role
UX Research
My Contribution
Home page redesign
Mobile first design
Accessible design
DealsPlus is an online community that offers coupons and deals to help users save money. With over 3 million monthly visitors, it focuses on providing the latest and most valuable deals.
🚧 The challenge
1. Decrease in new signups
2. Drop in active and loyal users
πŸ€” Assumption
1. The design appears to be outdated and could benefit from an update.
2. There are key features and incentives that seem to be missing and could be added to improve the overall experience.
πŸ† Goal
1. Our goal is to attract more sign-ups and convert them into loyal users.
2. We aim to increase conversion rates by encouraging users to click on affiliate deals and coupons.
Business Strategy
Improving Feeds
* More offers
* Exclusive offers
* Save the likes
* Recommendation
* Subscription
Easy Signup
* One click signup
* Email signup
* More incentives
* Frustration free
About Users
Research Insights
1. Navigation on the mobile slows users down.
4. Users are expecting to subscriber to certain stores rather than sign up to a new account.
2. Users do not realize there is save feature, and have no clue of where to find it.
5. Users feel no pressure using DealsPlus, since they don't need a account.
3. Users were frustrated that find it out a deal they like is already been expired.
6. Users don’t quite understand the difference between deals and coupons.
User Quotes
Using DealsPlus should be as easy as selecting a Netflix movie or browsing YouTube videos.
β€œI will stop browsing when I see repeated deals. It indicates there aren't enough good deals here.”
"I had no idea that the thumbs up sign was the save feature."
Defining The Problem
I analyzed the process of finding and saving deals to gain a better understanding of user struggles.
Identifying Pain Points:
Prioritizing Pain Points
Redefine Core Problems
DealsPlus users are experiencing difficulty in navigating the platform's main features.
Hierarchy & Content
Many users face difficulty in finding quality and relevant deals due to the repetitive deal tiles.
Save feature
Many users have difficulty locating their saved and liked deals.
Over 65% of the visitors are mobile users.
We decided to prioritize mobile design, with content as the main focus, then scale up for other platforms.
Design system
Design Solution
‍Design Feedbacks:
1. Majority of the users won't have a significant amount (under $5)
2. Nav links are relatively small touch targets on mobile, thus requiring much effort.
3. A slim nav on scroll, provides more real estate for other content.
The final design
Refine Search
Hierarchy & Content Strategy
Deal & Coupon page
About user
The problem
Mobile first
Design system
Design breakdown